Thursday, 2 December 2010

It's All Geek To Me

To geek or not to geek that is the question! It is rarely acceptable to be a geek in a Catholic Secondary school, (High school for those of you who don't speak UK) its one of those thing's that frowned upon like getting pregnant or bringing a gun to school.  As such, like any normal teen I hid my tenancies to prevent myself from being made fun of, adopting a vaguely hippy, vegetarian, Indy music listening persona in school as a form of defence, while sneaking home to read Star Wars EU novels, watching Buffy and make covert trips to Forbidden planet to  buy something for a brother who had no discernible interest in science fiction but who still regularly received Christmas and birthday gifts that I could appropriate.

It all changed of course, as these thing soften do, when I went to college.  In university of course it is acceptable to be a geek and to quickly find a large group of people who are willing to dedicate excessive amounts of time to discussing the respective virtues of Kirk over Picard (as if), Marvel over DC or why Sylvester McCoy is the superior Doctor - in essence people you wouldn't mind handing together with during the zombie apocalypse because you know they are prepared.

In my case there was the fencers, now I don't know how other fencing clubs work but my fencers were people who wanted to learn how to be pirates/musketeers/gladiators or beat Count Dooku in a lightsabre fight (should the occasion ever arise.)  All kindred spirits who quickly proved that I was no where near as hardcore a geek as I thought I was, a fact they were more than happy to rectify, and I was more than happy to let them.

So I'm not really sure why I am not really sure why I'm starting this blog, it could be that after 6 years of cheesy garlic bread geek outs I need to get some international geek perspective on the ponderings or that my OCD tendencies have finally gotten the better of me, and this is a new phase in my obsessive note taking!

Either way - here goes! A blog dedicated to geeks and all things geekish

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