Thursday, 3 February 2011

Geek Decorating

 When I talk about Geek decorating, I don't mean geek feng shui, or how to make your house look bigger on the inside, I mean the actual decor! What's the geekiest item you have in your home? Captain Kirk cardboard cut out?  Fantasy wall art? Doctor Who bed spread?  The topic of geek decorating came up in a conversation recently as to how deeply you hide your inner geek or how proudly you display it.  My current level of geek display equates to my DVD's on display, Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies wall art, and some full size Cybermen masks.  Which is all fairly tame – especially when compared to my friend whose home is bedecked with swords, spider man comic book art, a hand drawn star trek caricature of him fencing Captain Kirk and a telephone in the shape of a TARDIS (granted I gave him that).  

I blame my own lack of geek interior decorating on the fact that as a student I don’t have a space of my own, I live in one room of a rented house, with no living room.  So I don’t have a lot of scope for decorating, and my parents refuse to allow me to redecorate the Victorian dining room to resemble Ten Forward.  

However, I have recently received from serious inspiration as to what I would ‘like’ to do with my home the minute I get one.  One my unfailing fencers revealed recently she has a ‘secret room’ in her house –hidden behind a door.  ‘So What?’ I hear you ask, well here it is -->
THATS RIGHT! It's Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite as a door!  It was custom made to replace the original and while it doesn’t look like a door (which is rather the point) It does look EPIC! 

BUT WAIT! There is more! The room itself is her  own little geek haven for gaming and what not! And its protected by her other major geek displayed item is the 7 foot Warcraft Orc that stands behind the sofa!

I have however, warned her that should the door go missing that those pesky mandalorians do look a lot like 5 foot female law students! XD
From what I can tell the prop itself can be bought from suppliers like THIS ONE and it then has to be altered to be a door -the amount of work and the detail involved is amazing! 

My jealousy is utterly unending! If there was ever an inducement to PhD study and becoming a lecturer then this is it!  More than that it is a truly proud display of geek pedigree and a way of judging  the geekiness of your friends – if they realise what the door depicts or can indentify the orc as Warcraft rather than LOTR then they can be considered fairly hardcore.  

So there it is viva geek decorating and heaven help anyone I end up living with because I've just been given something new to aspire to! 

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