10 Reasons not to see the sun this summer!
Your Highness
Okay so this isn’t really that geeky but the truth is you have to support the Belfast made stuff! It looks funny, like it isn’t taking itself too seriously which is normally a good sign although I do hope they havn’t put everything amusing from the script into the trailer. On the other hand James Franco may mean that if it is poor I can put head phones on and just watch his pretty pretty face!
Doctor Who season kick off!
Okay not exactly a movie but still looking like it will be amazing. The season kicks off on the 29th of April – Easter weekend and will run on a slightly different format to previous seasons, with longer plot archs and a few twists. Some of the episode titles are intriguing and there are a few things I don’t want to know about the series or rather some characters in it but I’ll still watch it and probably love every moment.
I’m sort of hoping that everyone will be so busy with the Royal wedding in the UK Ill have nice empty cinemas to go see this one! It looks epic and with the staple of the film industry Anthony Hopkins playing any sort of role in the movie there must be something half decent in the script. I’m disturbed by the frequency of Portman this summer and I am not looking forward to seeing her in this simply because her character has been randomly changed to be more than it is and she feels like a hamfisted romance subplot…blech.
Pirates of the Carribean: On stranger Tides
My hatred of Kiera Knightly is no real secret and as far as I’m concered she’s enough reason to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, mainly because she isn’t in it! It’s been parred back to the two best character’s Barbossa and Jack, finally having ditched the dead weight!
Mermaids, Zombies and Blackbeard and directed by Rob Marshall, so I really do expect big things. Add to that the fact that it will be in 3D and I’m having a pirate themed party afterwards!
Hangover II
The Hangover was a great movie, even if it did give almost everything away in it’s trailer, now the Hangover II threatens to be one of two things…EPIC winning, like Sheen on Tigerblood, or utterly rubbish and a cheap way of cashing in on the flogging of a dead horse. I’m hoping for the first, mainly because it’s some of the same cast and Liam Neeson, which hopefully will set it apart from other such sequels (Bring It On 2-5 spring to mind). Certainly unlike the first instalment the trailer doesn’t give much away.
X-men First Class
As I mentioned in previous posts I am both excited and trepidatious of this one. The alterations to the already established canon makes me a little uneasy but I will probably go and see it anyway simply because I’ve waited this long for it, they were talking about a Magneto/Charles origin movie for 8 years!
I can see this being the movie that parents drag their kids too because they want to see it. Since the smurfs themselves sort of dropped out of popular culture for a while and I know that kids under 15 have pretty much no idea what the smurfs are about so like the chipmunks they were due a revamp and it looks like it might be a light hearted way to kill some time. Who wants to lend me a 10 year old for the afternoon?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
I really wish they had not made us wait this long for the 2nd instalment of Harry Potter but if the first half is anything to go by it should be a great summer movie. I am of course trying to ignore the plot holes and inconsistancies that emerged from the first one, more than that I think Warner bro’s are being punished for leaving so much out of the first movies as they now try to hamfistidly shove in all the extra information that was a minor plot point in the books but now proves to be vital to Harry’s final deductions. I still say it’s a safe bet to bank on packed cinemas release weekend.
Captain America
I expect big things from this movie after all it sets the tone for the next Avengers movie’s. The cast seems like a ‘made in heaven’ sort of affair, and the red skull as the primary bad guy just screams FTW, although I feel the trailer doesn’t do it justice.
The Green Lantern
Another great superhero movie due this summer, it looks like it has a sort of 60’s vibe to the action but for my money that makes it all the more epic, and Ryan Reynolds casting as the named Green Lantern should bring out the Marvel and DC fiends to argue over if he is a better Deadpool or Lantern. I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve seen the movie but Deadpool will be hard to beat
Beastly is also released in mid April which should be a great little moment for all of the grown up Disney girls out there, in this remake of Beauty and the Beast.