Thursday, 21 April 2011

It's Been Nice Knowing You....

This could well be the last post I ever make, after today there may not be any more internet to post on and if there is it will be controlled by the machines, and it won't be safe to pass on human intelligence over the web like this.  

The Skynet missile defense system went online April 19, 2011at 20:11. It becomes self aware, declares war on mankind and triggers a nuclear apocalypse at some point today, April 21st 2011.   It will launch a pre-emptive strike in self defense against mankind, given that I've just got a tweet from BBC breaking news informing me that Obama has just given permission for an unmaned predator drone to be deployed to Libya I am guessing it will be soon. 

Those of you who heeded the warnings will have your nuclear bunkers already prepared and ready for this day.  I know I have mine stocked with enough freeze dried food to last a lifetime and enough DVD box sets of Star trek and Serenity to keep me going for at least a year.  I reckon a bit longer if I listen to the cast commentary and all the deleted scenes as well.  For those of you who were unprepared I wish you luck and recommend you take yourself to a quiet place and prepare to die in whatever manner you see fit.  

For those that fall in Judgement day you will not be forgotten, for those that survive, see you in the resistance. 

Good Luck

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